ZMS regulation of M_2 muscarinic receptor stability mediated by de novo synthesis of protein 新蛋白质合成介导知母活性成分对M2受体稳定性的调节作用
And such an inhibition might necessitate de novo protein synthesis. 而这种抑制作用需要新的蛋白质合成。
Dioxins in fly ash from grate fired MSW incinerators were formed from precursors and those from fluidized bed incinerators were formed from de novo synthesis. 炉排炉飞灰中二恶英主要是通过前驱物生成,而流化床炉飞灰中二恶英则主要通过denovo(从头合成)反应途径生成。
High Resolution Chromatography/ Low Resolution Mass Spectrometer technology is used for investigating the effects of oxygen, residue carbon and catalyst on PCDD/ Fs formation via de novo synthesis in MSW fly ash at 340 ℃. 采用高分辨气相色谱和低分辨质谱联用(HRGC/LRMS)的二恶英检测方法,研究了340℃时氧、碳、催化剂3个重要因素对飞灰中二恶英从头合成的影响。
Experimental and Modeling Study on the Role of Water in De Novo Synthesis of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins and Dibenzofurans 水对二恶英从头合成影响的试验研究及二恶英从头合成的模型验证
In this experimental system, anti-HSV-ⅰ antibody production in vitro was result from de novo protein synthesis. Optimal antigen for specific response was observed at a certain concentration of 108ng/ ml. 在本实验系统中,特异性抗体应答是一个蛋白质的全新(denovo)合成过程,应答水平和体外致敏用的病毒抗原量有明显剂量依赖关系,最适刺激抗原量为108ng/ml。
Applying the theory of nucleotide salvage, we added the hypoxanthine to culture process of inosine producing mutants of Bacillus subtilis as supplement of de novo formation of inosine which made inosine synthesis improved greatly. 运用核苷酸补救途径理论,采用枯草杆菌肌苷产生菌,在培养过程中添加次黄嘌呤,作为从头合成途径(denovo)的补充。
Influence factors and control means of de novo synthesis of PCDD/ F PCDD/F从头合成的影响因素和抑制方法
The main mechanism of MPA is that it inhibits IMPDH which is the rate-limiting enzyme in de novo synthesis of guanosine nucleotides. MPA的主要作用机理是抑制次黄嘌呤单核苷酸脱氢酶(IMPDH),该酶是鸟嘌呤核苷酸从头合成途径的限速酶。IMPDH受抑导致鸟嘌呤核苷酸生成减少,进而DNA、RNA合成受阻。
In most animals, the materials needed by nucleotide synthesis are not absorbed from digestive systems, but from amino acids and their metabolizing products through two pathways named as de novo synthesis pathway and salvage synthesis pathway. 因为在绝大多数的动物体内,核苷酸的合成原料并不依赖消化道的吸收来提供,而是以氨基酸及其代谢产物为主要原料的从头合成和补救合成途径来满足机体的需要。
Thymidylate synthase ( TS), as a folate-dependent enzyme, is essential to cell proliferation since it is the key enzyme which catalyzes the de novo synthesis of thymidine ( dTMP) of DNA precursor. 它是一种叶酸依赖性酶,是合成DNA所必需的前体物胸腺嘧啶脱氧核苷(dTMP)的关键酶,在细胞增殖中起重要的作用。
IMP de novo synthesis was involved in ten step reactions in animal. Adenylosuccinate lyase ( ADSL), which is a key enzyme in the process of synthesis of IMP, catalyzed reaction of the eighth step. 在动物体内,IMP从头合成共涉及十步反应,其中腺苷琥珀酸裂解酶(ADSL,adenylosuccinatelyase)是催化第八步反应的酶,也是合成IMP过程中的关键酶之一。